Fakta Besar Tentang Kabah yang Coba Disembunyikan Dunia

Ka’bah, rumah Allah sejuta ummat muslim merindukan berkunjung dan menjadi tamu - tamu Allah sang maha pencipta. Kiblatnya (arah) ummat muslim dalam melaksanakan sholat, dari negara manapun semua ibadah sholat menghadap ke kiblat ini.

Istilah Ka’bah adalah bahasa al quran dari kata “ka’bu” yg berarti “mata kaki” atau tempat kaki berputar bergerak untuk melangkah. Ayat 5/6dalam Al-quran menjelaskan istilah itu dg “Ka’bain” yg berarti ‘dua mata kaki’ dan ayat 5/95-96 mengandung istilah ‘ka’bah’ yg artinya nyata “mata bumi” atau “sumbu bumi” atau kutub putaran utara bumi.

Neil Amstrong telah membuktikan bahwa kota Mekah adalah pusat dari planet Bumi. Fakta ini telah di diteliti melalui sebuah penelitian Ilmiah.

Ketika Neil Amstrong untuk pertama kalinya melakukan perjalanan ke luar angkasa dan mengambil gambar planet Bumi, dia berkata, “Planet Bumi ternyata menggantung di area yang sangat gelap, siapa yang menggantungnya ?.”

Para astronot telah menemukan bahwa planet Bumi itu mengeluarkan semacam radiasi, secara resmi mereka mengumumkannya di Internet, tetapi sayang nya 21 hari kemudian website tersebut raib yang sepertinya ada alasan tersembunyi dibalik penghapusan website tersebut.

Setelah melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut, ternyata radiasi tersebut berpusat di kota Mekah, tepatnya berasal dari Ka’Bah. Yang mengejutkan adalah radiasi tersebut bersifat infinite ( tidak berujung ), hal ini terbuktikan ketika mereka mengambil foto planet Mars, radiasi tersebut masih berlanjut terus.

Para peneliti Muslim mempercayai bahwa radiasi ini memiliki karakteristik dan menghubungkan antara Ka’Bah di planet Bumi dengan Ka’bah di alam akhirat.

Makkah Pusat Bumi

Prof. Hussain Kamel menemukan suatu fakta mengejutkan bahwa Makkah adalah pusat bumi. Pada mulanya ia meneliti suatu cara untuk menentukan arah kiblat di kota-kota besar di dunia.

Untuk tujuan ini, ia menarik garis-garis pada peta, dan sesudah itu ia mengamati dengan seksama posisi ketujuh benua terhadap Makkah dan jarak masing-masing. Ia memulai untuk menggambar garis-garis sejajar hanya untuk memudahkan proyeksi garis bujur dan garis lintang.

Setelah dua tahun dari pekerjaan yang sulit dan berat itu, ia terbantu oleh program-program komputer untuk menentukan jarak-jarak yang benar dan variasi-variasi yang berbeda, serta banyak hal lainnya. Ia kagum dengan apa yang ditemukan, bahwa Makkah merupakan pusat bumi.


Ia menyadari kemungkinan menggambar suatu lingkaran dengan Makkah sebagai titik pusatnya, dan garis luar lingkaran itu adalah benua-benuanya. Dan pada waktu yang sama, ia bergerak bersamaan dengan keliling luar benua-benua tersebut. (Majalah al-Arabiyyah, edisi 237, Agustus 1978).

Gambar-gambar Satelit, yang muncul kemudian pada tahun 90-an, menekankan hasil yang sama ketika studi-studi lebih lanjut mengarah kepada topografi lapisan-lapisan bumi dan geografi waktu daratan itu diciptakan.

Telah menjadi teori yang mapan secara ilmiah bahwa lempengan-lempengan bumi terbentuk selama usia geologi yang panjang, bergerak secara teratur di sekitar lempengan Arab. Lempengan-lempengan ini terus menerus memusat ke arah itu seolah-olah menunjuk ke Makkah.

Studi ilmiah ini dilaksanakan untuk tujuan yang berbeda, bukan dimaksud untuk membuktikan bahwa Makkah adalah pusat dari bumi. Bagaimanapun, studi ini diterbitkan di dalam banyak majalah sain di Barat.
Allah berfirman di dalam al-Qur’an al-Karim sebagai berikut:

‘Demikianlah Kami wahyukan kepadamu Al Qur’an dalam bahasa Arab supaya kamu memberi peringatan kepada Ummul Qura (penduduk Makkah) dan penduduk (negeri-negeri) sekelilingnya..’ (asy-Syura: 7)

Kata ‘Ummul Qura’ berarti induk bagi kota-kota lain, dan kota-kota di sekelilingnya menunjukkan Makkah adalah pusat bagi kota-kota lain, dan yang lain hanyalah berada di sekelilingnya. Lebih dari itu, kata ummu (ibu) mempunyai arti yang penting di dalam kultur Islam.

Sebagaimana seorang ibu adalah sumber dari keturunan, maka Makkah juga merupakan sumber dari semua negeri lain, sebagaimana dijelaskan pada awal kajian ini. Selain itu, kata ‘ibu’ memberi Makkah keunggulan di atas semua kota lain.

Makkah atau Greenwich

Berdasarkan pertimbangan yang seksama bahwa Makkah berada tengah-tengah bumi sebagaimana yang dikuatkan oleh studi-studi dan gambar-gambar geologi yang dihasilkan satelit, maka benar-benar diyakini bahwa Kota Suci Makkah, bukan Greenwich, yang seharusnya dijadikan rujukan waktu dunia. Hal ini akan mengakhiri kontroversi lama yang dimulai empat dekade yang lalu.

Ada banyak argumentasi ilmiah untuk membuktikan bahwa Makkah merupakan wilayah nol bujur sangkar yang melalui kota suci tersebut, dan ia tidak melewati Greenwich di Inggris. GMT dipaksakan pada dunia ketika mayoritas negeri di dunia berada di bawah jajahan Inggris. Jika waktu Makkah yang diterapkan, maka mudah bagi setiap orang untuk mengetahui waktu shalat.


Makkah adalah Pusat dari lapisan-lapisan langit

Ada beberapa ayat dan hadits nabawi yang menyiratkan fakta ini. Allah berfirman, ‘Hai golongan jin dan manusia, jika kamu sanggup menembus (melintasi) penjuru langit dan bumi, maka lintasilah, kamu tidak dapat menembusnya melainkan dengan kekuatan.’ (ar-Rahman:33)

Kata aqthar adalah bentuk jamak dari kata ‘qutr’ yang berarti diameter, dan ia mengacu pada langit dan bumi yang mempunyai banyak diameter.

Dari ayat ini dan dari beberapa hadits dapat dipahami bahwa diameter lapisan-lapisan langit itu di atas diameter bumi (tujuh lempengan bumi). Jika Makkah berada di tengah-tengah bumi, maka itu berarti bahwa Makkah juga berada di tengah-tengah lapisan-lapisan langit.

Selain itu ada hadits yang mengatakan bahwa Masjidil Haram di Makkah, tempat Ka‘bah berada itu ada di tengah-tengah tujuh lapisan langit dan tujuh bumi (maksudnya tujuh lapisan pembentuk bumi)

Infokan Ke Teman-Teman Anda ...



Dan aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya beribadah kepada-Ku” (Qs. 51: 56).
Kita, umat manusia, sebagaimana ditegaskan dalam ayat diatas diciptakan oleh Allah di dunia ini tidak lain adalah dengan tujuan untuk mengabdi, menyembah dan beribadah kepada Allah semata.
Makna pengabdian dan ibadah dalam ajaran Islam sama sekali tidak terbatas pada bentuk-bentuk kegiatan ritual an sich. Bukan pula hanya sekedar formula spiritual-individual, seperti sholat, puasa, atau dzikir saja. Namun dalam Islam ibadah dengan begitu indah diartikan sebagai sebuah kesatuan integral antara kemestian ibadah ritual-individual yang mengatur hubungan transendental manusia dengan Rabb-nya bersamaan dengan penekanan aspek-aspek ibadah sosial, sebagai aturan hubungan antar sesama manusia. Inilah penghambaan mutlak, sebagaimana dalam firman Allah (Qs.6:162),”Katakanlah, bahwa sesungguhnya sholatku, pengorbananku, hidupku, dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah, Tuhan seru sekalian alam”.
Dengan demikian seseorang belum bisa disebut “muslim”jika masih membatasi diri dalam kesalehan individual belaka, sebelum harus juga saleh dalam tataran praktek-praktek kehidupan sosial. Maka dari itu ketika suatu kali disampaikan kepada Rasulullah SAW perihal seorang wanita yang selalu sholat di malam hari dan puasa di siang harinya, tetapi bermoral sosial buruk, yakni sering menyakiti tetangganya dengan lidahnya Nabi menjawab,” Tidak ada kebaikan padanya dan ia dineraka”.
Lebih dari itu terdapat sebuah hadits yang perlu kita renungkan, yang menggambarkan betapa erat kaitan nilai-nilai sosial dengan Tuhan. Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah bahwa Rasulullah bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Allah Azza wa Jalla akan mengatakan kelak di hari Kiamat: Wahai anak-anak Adam, Aku pernah sakit tetapi engkau tidak pernah menjenguk-Ku. Kata anak Adam: Duhai Tuhanku, bagaimana hamba datang menjenguk-Mu, padahal Engkau Tuhan sekalian alam. Kata Tuhan: Tidakkah engkau tahu, seorang hamba-Ku si Fulan sakit, tetapi engkau tidak menjenguknya. Tidakkah engkau tahu, seandainya kamu menjenguknya, pasti engkau dapati Aku disisinya. Hai anak Adam, pernah Aku minta makan kepadamu, tapi tiada engkau beri Aku makanan. Kata anak Adam pula: Duhai Tuhanku, betapakah hamba harus memberi-Mu makanan, padahal Engkau Tuhan sekalian alam. Kata Tuhan pula: bukankah kau tahu bahwa seorang hamba-Ku si Fulan memintamu makanan, tapi tidak juga kau beri makanan. Bukankah pula engkau tahu bahwa jika engkau beri dia makanan, pasti engkau dapatkan (pahala) makanan tadi di sisi-Ku”(HR. Muslim dalam Shahih-nya).
Dari riwayat hadits diatas tampak sekali betapa signifikan dan pentingnya posisi nilai-nilai sosial dalam Islam. Untuk itu sebagai Muslim, kita tidak boleh mengabaikannya. Sudah semestinya kita selalu berusaha menyadari dan mengembangkannya, apalagi disaat banyak musibah dan penderitaan menimpa saudara-saudara kita. Disaat banyak orang membutuhkan uluran tangan kita. Masing-masing perlu meningkatkan sense of solidarity, membangun rasa kepedulian terhadap sesama, dan menyadari bahwa semua adalah saudara, sehingga bisa diibaratkan satu tubuh. Dimana jika ada satu anggota tubuh sakit, anggota yang lain akan ikut merasakannya.
Wa billahi at taufiq wa al hidayah.

The Miracle In The Ant

In this book we are going to tell you about a creature that you know quite well, that you meet everywhere without actually giving it much attention, that is highly skillful, highly social and highly intelligent - "The Ant". Our aim is to review the lives full of miracles of these minute creatures that are never of any significance in our daily lives.   
Technology, collective work, military strategy, advanced communications network, an astute and rational hierarchy, discipline, perfect city planning… These are fields where human beings may not always be successful enough, but where the ants always are. When you look at these creatures, which are fully armed to defeat tough rivals and to endure the difficult conditions of nature, you may think that all of them are identical. However, each species of the ant genus – and there are thousands of them – has, in fact, different characteristics. We believe that these creatures that have the highest population in the world may open up new horizons for us within the framework of the characteristics referred to above. This book will reveal to us the special and marvelous world of ants. We shall witness the things these ant communities succeed with their tiny bodies and  witness that there is absolutely no difference between their fossils, the oldest of which is about 80 million years old, and their counterparts living today, that run to approximately 8800 species.   
As we explore the special world of ants, this perfect system will earn our admiration and increase the need for thinking and investigating. At the same time, we shall see the mistakes in the theory of evolution and witness Allah's immaculate creation, which is a tremendously important work. In the Qur'an, the type of person who thinks about nature and thus recognizes the omnipotence of Allah is praised as a model for those who believe. The verses below explain this point fully:
In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding: men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the wonders of creation in the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created all this in vain! Glory be to You! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire."(Surat Al'Imran:190-191)
We hope that this book causes its readers to think more deeply on and to feel admiration for the superior power and unequaled art of creation of Allah, Who has made all things.   
The living beings that have the densest population in the world are the ants. For every seven hundred million ants that come into this world there are only 40 new-born human beings. There is a lot of other amazing information to learn about these creatures.
The ants, one of the most "social" groups among the insect genus, live as societies called "colonies", which are extremely "well organized". Their organization is of such an advanced order that it may be said that in this respect they have a civilization similar to that of humans.
The ants care for their babies, protect their colonies and fight as they produce and store their food. There are even colonies that do "tailoring", that deal in "agriculture" or "animal husbandry". These animals, with their very strong communication network, are so superior as not to be compared to any other organism, with respect to social organization and specialization.
In our day, researchers with superior intelligence and education are working day and night in think tanks formed to formulate successful social organizations and to find lasting solutions to social and economic problems. Ideologues have been producing social models for centuries. Yet when we look at the world in general, no ideal socio-economic social order has so far been reached, in spite of all these intensive efforts. Since the concept of order in human societies has always been based on competition and individual interests, a perfect social order has never been possible. The ants on the other hand, have perpetuated the social system that is ideal for them for millions of years right down to the present day.   
Then how can these minute creatures form such an order? This is a question for which an answer must certainly be sought.
Evolutionists, when trying to answer this question, claim that ants evolved 80 million years ago from "Tiphiidae", which is an archaic genus of wasps, and that they started socializing 40 million years ago – suddenly, "at their own discretion" - and that they constitute the highest level of the evolution of insects. However, they do not in any way explain the causes and the process of development of this socialization. The basic mechanism of evolution requires living beings to fight with each other to the end, for their survival. Therefore, each genus and every individual within that genus can think of only itself and its own offspring (Why and how it started thinking of its offspring is another dead end for Evolution, but we are skipping this point for now). It is, of course, unanswered how this type of a "law of evolution" can form a social system with sacrifice right at its core 
The questions to be answered are not limited to these. Could these creatures whose nerve cells for one million of them only weigh 20 grams, have adopted the resolution to socialize in groups "just like that"? Or could they have got together to set the rules for this socializing after adopting such a resolution? Even if we accept that they could, would all of them obey this new system without exception? Have they formed an advanced social order by founding colonies with millions of members after overcoming all these seeming impossibilities?
Then how did a "caste system" emerge out of this struggle? First, this question has to be answered: How has the difference between the queen and the worker developed? Evolutionists at this point will say that a group among the workers abandoned working and developed a physiology different from the worker ants by going through genetic variations over a long period of time. However, we are then faced with the question of how the said "would be queens" were nourished throughout this transformation period.  The queen ants do not look for food. They are fed with food brought by the workers. Some workers may have seen themselves as "queens", so how and why have other workers accepted this hierarchy? Furthermore, why have they consented to feed this queen? The "struggle for life" that they are in, according to "evolution", requires that they only think of themselves.
Ant fossil dating back 80 million years. This fossil clearly shows us that ants have not at all changed over 80 millions years
All insects spend most of their time in looking for food. They find and they eat food, then they get hungry again and go off to find more food. They also run from danger. When we accept evolution, we also have to accept that the ants too lived "individually" once upon a time, but that one day, millions of years ago, they decided to become socialized. The question then arises as to how they "decided" "to form" this social order without any common communication between themselves, because, according to evolution, communication is a consequence of socializing. Furthermore, the question of how they have developed the genetic mutation required for this socialization has no scientific explanation whatsoever. 
All these arguments take us to a single point: To claim that the ants started "socializing" one day millions of years ago is to break all the basic rules of logic. The only possible explanation is as follows: The social order, of which we shall see the details in the following chapters, was created along with the ants; and this system has not varied since the first ant colony on earth, until today.
When mentioning the bees who have a social order similar to that of the ants, Allah states in the Qur'an that this social order has been "revealed" to them:
And your Lord revealed to the bee: "Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow." From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing healing for mankind. There is certainly a sign in that for people who reflect. (Surat an-Nahl: 68-69)
The verse conveys the message that everything the honey bees do is governed by a "revelation" Allah has given to them. Accordingly, all the "homes", that is, hives - and therefore the entire social order in these hives - and all the work they perform to make honey, are made possible by an inspiration Allah has given them.
When we look at ants, we see that things are no different for them either. Allah has inspired in them a social order also and they abide by it absolutely. This is the reason why each group of ant performs the duty assigned to it perfectly with absolute self-surrender and does not strive for more.
And this is the law of nature. There is no random and coincidental "fight for survival" in nature as purported by evolution and there has never been one. On the contrary, all living creatures eat the "food" specified for them and perform duties Allah assigned to them. Because "there is no living being He (Allah) does not hold by the forelock and inspect." (Surah Hud: 56) and "He (Allah) is the one who gives food." (Surat adh-Dhariyat: 58)

The Miracle In The Spider

Some readers may think that the subject of this book is not one that interests them very much. They may tell themselves both that a book about a little insect has nothing in it for them, and that the busy pace of their lives leaves them no time for such a book.
Then again, these same people may feel that a book on economic or political research, or perhaps a novel, would be more attractive and "useful." Or they may think that books on other subjects will be of greater interest to them. Whereas the fact is that this book the reader is holding will be a great deal more "useful" than many he has hitherto read, and has much more to offer him. Because this book is not a biology text written to give detailed information about this tiny animal called the spider. The book may have the spider as its subject, but its true importance lies in the truth about life it reveals and the message it has to give.
Like a key… A key is a tool which looks pretty unimportant in itself. If you give one to a person who has never seen one before, and who is therefore unaware of the relationship between key and lock, he will consider the thing in his hand meaningless and a useless piece of metal. Whereas sometimes a key, depending upon what lies behind the door that it opens, can be one of the most valuable things in the world.
This book has been written, not with the aim of taking the spider as a subject on its own, but to use it as a "key." As for the reality behind the door which this key opens, it is the greatest truth anyone can ever discover throughout the course of his life. Because it demonstrates how baseless is the theory of evolution, propounded by people who want to deny the truth, is andprovides answers to questions, answers that mankind has been searching for since the dawn of time. The answers to such fundamental questions as "Who am I?" "How were the universe and I created?" and "What is the point and meaning of life?" are the reality behind this door.
The answer is this: human beings and the universe they inhabit were created, down to the tiniest detail, by one Creator, and exist to show that He exists and to praise Him. That Creator, who has no imperfections or weaknesses, but who is infinitely powerful, is God. As God has revealed in the Qur'an, the sole reason for the existence of any human being is to understand the act of his and the universe's creation and to serve God, who is Lord of all.
It takes some effort to acquire this understanding. Part of this consists of observing everything that exists, considering it, and being able to decipher the message within. Because everything which exists, and especially every living thing in nature, is a sign of God's existence and bears witness to His being.
God draws our attention to these verses in the Qur'an, which He revealed to show the true way to the human beings He had created:
In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's benefit, and the water which God sends down from the sky – by which He brings the earth to life when it was dead and scatters about in it creatures of every kind – and the varying direction of the winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and earth, there are Signs for people who use their intellect. (Surat al-Baqara: 164)
Everything in the heavens and everything on the earth and everything in between them and everything under the ground belongs to Him.
(Surah Ta ha: 6)
On examination, what the Qur'an reveals in the above verse may seem perfectly normal events in many peoples' eyes. The alternation of night and day, ships floating instead of sinking, the rain's giving life to the soil, the movement of winds and clouds… Modern man thinks that all of these can be explained by science and with a mechanical logic, for which reason he thinks that they carry with them no element of surprise. However, science only considers naked material truths, but is never able to provide an answer to the question "Why?" It is from the condition of widespread ignorance created by the religionless social order dominating the world that people are prevented from considering these verses and understanding the different meanings which lie behind them. Essentially, and in fact, the Qur'an says that the nature of those verses can be perceived only by "people who reflect."
For a "people who reflect", basically every part of nature is a sign, or in other words a key to the door to truth. Since nature can be split up into a nearly infinite number of parts, the number of doors and keys is also nearly infinite. But sometimes it is enough to open just one door to lead a person to the truth. Just one part extracted from nature, for example, a single plant or a single animal, can bring a truth-seeker closer to an understanding of the entire universe. For this reason, God states in the Qur'an that "God is not ashamed to make an example of a gnat or of an even smaller thing", because "as for those who believe, they know it is the truth from their Lord." (Surat al-Baqara: 26)
Such tiny creatures as the mosquito, and the spider, are mentioned in God's verses. In the same way as the gnat is considered unimportant by people, so is the spider: but "people who reflect" can see the miracle these verses convey. These tiny animals can each be seen as a key, and can open the door to seeing the perfection of God's creation. This book, which describes the surprising and incredible characteristics of the spider, known by so few people, and which will in describing them also ask "how?" and "why?" has been written with that end in mind. And for that reason alone this book is more significant than many books you may have read up until now. Because to become one of the "people who reflect" is more essential to man than anything else.
And He has made everything in the heavens and everything on the earth subservient to you. It is all from Him. There are certainly Signs in that for people who reflect.(Surat al-Jathiyya: 13) 
There are hundreds of species of spiders in the world. These small animals can appear to us sometimes as a construction engineer capable of performing calculations for building its nest, sometimes as an interior designer making complicated plans, sometimes a chemist making incredibly strong and flexible threads, deadly venoms, and dissolving acids, and sometimes as a hunter using the most cunning tactics.
Despite their numerous superior characteristics, nobody in his daily life even bothers to think what special creations spiders are. According to this underestimation there is nothing surprising in the existence of spiders, nor in that of anything else. But this is a completely mistaken way of thinking. Because, as we begin to learn more about spiders, as about the behaviour of all creatures, examining for example their methods of hunting, reproducing, and defending themselves, we find ourselves face-to-face with characteristics that fill us with awe.
In nature all living things adopt behaviour patterns that require intelligence in order to live their lives. These behaviour patterns, that underlie skills, proficiencies and superior planning capabilities, have one thing in common. Each and every one necessarily requires ability. Skills that a human being can master only by learning, and gaining proficiency and experience, already exist in these living creatures from the moment they are born. The later parts of this book consist of questions which need to be answered: how these abilities, which will be described in some detail, came about, and how living creatures learned them. These living things, acting in accordance with such highly intelligent blueprints, hunting with such calculation, and when necessary, behaving like chemical engineers, knowing what material to produce in a particular situation, really baffle scientists who study them. So much so that even evolutionist scientists admit that the cleverest living creatures have characteristics necessitating intelligence. Scientist Richard Dawkins, despite the fact that he is an evolutionist, describes spiders' behaviour in this way in his book, Climbing Mount Improbable:
On our route we shall have occasion to look at spider webs - at the bewildering, though unconscious, ingenuity with which they are made and how they work.1
Actually, saying these, Dawkins comes up against such questions as "how the animals' conscious and intelligent behaviour emerged, and what its source was," which cannot be explained in any way by the theory of evolution. Really, questions such as "How do living creatures come to possess this intelligence, and how do they learn where to apply it?" are ones to which the defenders of the theory of evolution are unable to supply open and definitive answers.
At this point an examination of the arguments the evolutionists use to try to answer the question of conscious and intelligent behaviour in animals will be appropriate. Let us do this by explaining the real meaning of a term which evolutionists use in their claims.
Evolutionists searching for an answer to the question of "how living creatures came to have purposeful behaviour" use "instinct" to try to shed light on the matter. But they are in no way successful. This can be clearly seen by a more thorough appreciation of the concept of "instinct." Evolutionists say that animals engage in such things as devotion, planning, tactics or behaviour requiring special abilities, which require consciousness and intelligence, thanks to "instinct." But, of course, evolutionists' just saying this is not sufficient. In addition to making this claim, they also have to provide answers to such questions as how this behaviour first came about, how it was passed down the generations, and how the concept of "instinct" managed to give living creatures consciousness and intelligence. However, evolutionists have absolutely no answers to these questions. Gordon Rattray Taylor is an evolutionist expert in genetics. He has this to say about instincts:
When we ask ourselves how an instinctive pattern of behaviour arose in the first place and became hereditarily fixed we are given no answer. 2
Other evolutionists say that all living creatures' behaviour is founded not on instinct but on their genetic programming. But in that case they have to explain who wrote the programme and installed it in living creatures. But evolutionists are unable to do this. Despite being the originator of the theory, Charles Darwin admits their dilemma in the following words:
So wonderful an instinct as that of the hive-bee making its cells will probably have occurred to many readers, as a difficulty sufficient to overthrow my whole theory.3
As the above makes quite clear, a concept such as "instinct" is absolutely insufficient to shed light on living creatures' conscious behaviour. Of course there is a power that programmes living creatures and teaches them what to do. But this is not a result of "Mother Nature" as it is called, nor of the living creature itself, which will defend its young at the cost of its own life, or which will go back to deceive the enemy with various tactics in order to save the life of another member of its own group.
The power which gives them all these characteristics, which creates their intelligent behaviour and purposeful movements, belongs to God. God is the only lord of that intelligence which we witness in living creatures in countless examples in nature. It is God Who inspires living creatures to do what they do.
It is impossible to explain the behaviour of any living creature by coincidence, or by any other mechanism or interesting concept. No such claim can be any more than a deception. All this is revealed in one of His verses:
Say: 'Have you ever seen your associates whom you appeal to instead of to God? Show me what they have created of the earth; or do they have a partnership in the heavens?' Have We given them a Book whose Clear Signs they follow? No indeed! The wrongdoers promise each other nothing but delusion. (Surah Fatir: 40)
The living creature which is the subject of this book, the spider, its behaviour patterns and the flawless mechanisms it possesses, is one of those that give the lie to the theory of evolution, or, to put it more robustly, "destroy the theory of evolution." The pages that follow will demonstrate one of the countless miracles of God's creation, the spider. At the same time they will once again set forth how the theory of evolution, which relies totally on coincidences, has fallen into impotence and ridicule.